Welcome to Pan Oceanic Bank, Solomon Islands

POB is truly a local bank and we embrace all of POB’s customer-centric philosophies and processes that have made POB  a leader in the Banking services in Solomon Islands.

Since its establishment, POB  has witnessed various stages of development and growth.

We are proud of the achievements we managed to build across a short period, and we always strive to drive a growth and development process. keeping the future in mind and relying on a set of pillars in the field, we invest all the capabilities at our disposal to keep pace with the technological development, and to commit to our clients and society at large. Today, we continue to set benchmarks for leadership and excellence in the financial services sector and support the Solomon Islands economy in many ways, mainly as a top  foreign Exchange earner to the country.

We will always strive to find a way to help you and inculcate financial inclusiveness. We are proudly local but with unmatched global players in the market. We know many of our customers and communities continue to feel economic uncertainty. But we are always here to lend a hand in good times and not-so-good times, and we remain Your Bank, committed to  Empowering the Nation® From helping local businesses access vital funding to making it easier for you to bank. We are committed to providing the financial tools and resources you need for today and tomorrow.

And while words alone cannot adequately express our thanks to our all stakeholders, I’d be remiss if I didn’t explicitly state how grateful we are. We look forward to continuing to serve you in the year ahead.

Please contact our dedicated Team for all your banking